In the heart of Mumbai, tragedy struck as the aging skeleton of a once-stalwart three-story structure crumbled, claiming the lives of two unsuspecting souls. Vikhroli East bore witness to the somber aftermath of this collapse, a testament to the frailty of neglected edifices.
Amongst the rubble, amidst the chaos, BJP MLA Mihir Kotecha ventured forth, seeking answers amidst the debris. However, his quest for clarity was met with the raw emotions of aggrieved locals, their anger a reflection of the neglect that led to this calamity.
The fates of Suryakant Mhadalkar and Sharad Mhasal, once vibrant denizens of this aging behemoth, were sealed as they succumbed to grievous wounds, their final journey taking them to the halls of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Hospital, where hope dwindled into despair.
A relic of bygone days, the now-collapsed structure stood as a silent witness to decades of neglect and indifference. Despite warnings from the municipality, despite the looming specter of displacement, its residents clung to the fragile facade of familiarity, a precarious dance with destiny.
As the monsoon clouds gather, casting shadows over the city, the specter of crumbling infrastructure looms large. Each year, like a grim ritual, the municipality unveils its roster of ‘dangerous’ structures, a chilling reminder of the stakes at hand. Vikhroli’s tragedy serves as a poignant reminder, echoing the fears of countless others dwelling in the shadow of uncertainty.