In New Delhi, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) issued a charge sheet on Friday against an individual implicated in the indoctrination of susceptible youths through Maoist doctrine, as per an official communique. The investigation bureau had previously submitted its initial charge sheet in the Munchingput conspiracy affair of Andhra Pradesh back in May 2021.
Ramakkagiri Chandra stands as the eighth defendant to be officially accused in the matter concerning the indoctrination of vulnerable youths towards the Maoist philosophy and the provision of assistance to the outlawed CPI(Maoist), the statement disclosed. The NIA lodged charges against him under the Indian Penal Code, the Arms Act, and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in its initial supplementary charge sheet presented before the specialized NIA tribunal in Visakhapatnam.
As outlined by the NIA, Chandra previously served as a state committee member of the Pragathisheela Karmika Samakhya (PKS), an ancillary group of the proscribed CPI(Maoist). The NIA’s probe uncovered Chandra’s collusion with clandestine leaders of the CPI(Maoist) to advance the organization’s operations.
As a segment of the overarching plot orchestrated by the ancillary bodies and the rank-and-file of the CPI(Maoist), he also erected a memorial for the deceased Maoist leader S A Rauf in Kutigalla village, situated in Sri Sathya Sai district of Andhra Pradesh, as stated in the release. Furthermore, Chandra was found in possession of a firearm and ammunition supplied by the proscribed entity, according to the NIA.
While seven individuals were previously charged in the case in 2021, Chandra’s inclusion brings the total to eight. The agency affirmed that further investigation is ongoing as part of its efforts to curb the activities of the outlawed organization.