
The night sky occasionally gifts us a mesmerizing sight—an ethereal circle or halo surrounding the moon, known as a moon ring or lunar halo. While rare, these celestial phenomena grace our skies, captivating observers. Recently, even the Delhi-NCR region was blessed with the appearance of a lunar ring in the night sky. The ring around the moon resembles a delicate line drawn around its circumference, almost as if a thin veil of mist encircles it. Microbiologist Dr. Anoop Singh managed to capture this spectacle through his camera, expressing a keen interest in lunar events.

Dr. Anoop Singh shared these captivating images on his Instagram account, reminiscing about the night before when the moon ring adorned the sky. Exploring the nature of moon rings and their formation becomes imperative in such moments.

Why Moon Halos Form in the Sky

These awe-inspiring halos are formed due to the presence of ice crystals in the atmosphere, often colliding with the moon’s luminance. This collision refracts light, creating a halo-like formation around the moon. These ice crystals reside at different altitudes amidst the clouds, and the size of the moon halo is contingent upon the size of these crystals. Typically, smaller crystals result in larger moon rings. Moreover, the moon’s elevation influences the halo’s size. While moon rings are generally circular, a lower moon position can cause the atmospheric distortion to portray a more elongated appearance, known as a lunar halo.

Scientific Significance of Lunar Rings

Scientists regard the occurrence of moon rings as a wondrous phenomenon, labeled as a 22-degree halo. According to EarthSky, the circumference of the halo surrounding the moon always measures at a 22-degree angle, hence the name. Scientists often witness this event during September-October and February-March. They assert it’s a natural occurrence, alleviating any need for apprehension. It’s also recognized as a Winter Halo, Nimbus, or Icebow. Occasionally, similar rings form around the sun, referred to as solar halos.

Astrological and Cultural Perspectives

Moon rings hold diverse interpretations across various cultures. Some perceive them as indicators of changing weather patterns, while others see them as mystical occurrences. These rings can linger in the sky for hours, even up to 7-8 days. Their size and color often symbolize potential outcomes. In astrology, Varamihira’s mentions of lunar events suggest that a white-colored ring predicts heavy rainfall. A red hue indicates an atmosphere of fear, while a blue hue is seen as an auspicious sign. Notably, the recent moon ring displayed a blue shade.