In the realm of Bokaro, a grim discovery unfolded as the lifeless forms of three juveniles, who vanished the prior day, surfaced within the waters of a pond nestled amidst the sacred grounds of Bisheshwar Dham temple complex in Petarwar, nestled within the enclaves of Jharkhand’s Bokaro district. The law enforcement authorities swiftly intervened, dispatching the corporeal remnants for detailed examination while actively pursuing inquiries into the somber affair.
Authorities divulged that a duo hailed from the enclave of Muslim Tola within the confines of Sadmakala panchayat, ensconced beneath the jurisdictional purview of Petarwar police station, while the lone other hails from the precincts of Poddag NH 23. Kinfolk lamented the inexplicable absence of the youthful trio subsequent to their afternoon frolic, prompting frantic forays into the surrounding environs in search of the absentees, which regrettably yielded no fruitful outcome. It was not until nightfall that they enlisted the aid of law enforcement authorities.
At dawn’s break, denizens of the locality chanced upon the cadaver of a solitary child adrift upon the placid surface of the Amrit pond nestled within the hallowed precincts of Bisheshwar Dham temple complex. A gathering swiftly coalesced upon the verdant banks, bearing witness as two additional lifeless forms emerged from the aqueous depths. Prompted by a collective resolve, a cadre of intrepid youths plunged into the aqueous expanse, extracting each corporeal vessel in succession.
Krishna Kumar Kushwaha, the stalwart custodian of Petarwar police station, conveyed the expeditious requisitioning of the cadavers, facilitating their transit to the hallowed halls of Tenughat Sub-Divisional Hospital for the meticulous examination of their mortal remains.
“An egregious tragedy has befallen upon us. The distraught kin apprised us of the trio’s lamentable disappearance, thereby setting in motion a thorough investigatory pursuit. Upon the conclusion of the postmortem examination, the remains shall be tenderly returned to their grieving loved ones,” expressed Kushwaha, his countenance awash with solemnity.