
In a startling occurrence within Nayagarh, a woman purportedly orchestrated the demise of her spouse with the assistance of her clandestine lover when her illicit liaison was exposed in the precincts of Odisha. As per law enforcement, this event transpired in the hamlet of Komanda, situated under the jurisdiction of the Odagaon police station in the district. The victim, identified as Prakash Nayak, was unearthed from his dwelling 20 days subsequent to his mysterious disappearance, as unveiled by the police.

Fourteen years prior, Prakash Nayak had espoused Jyotsnarani Nayak, a denizen of Komanda village, and ostensibly resided in his in-laws’ abode. The duo was bestowed with progeny numbering two. Authorities elucidated that Jyotsnarani was entangled in an extramarital liaison with Sonu Samal.

Official sources delineate that Jyotsnarani, the implicated woman, orchestrated a stratagem alongside her paramour to extinguish her spouse, Prakash, a few days antecedent. Reports suggest that Jyotsnarani’s progenitor, Damuni Pradhan, was also complicit in the nefarious act. Following the formulation of a conspiracy, Jyotsnarani and her accomplice Sonu executed Prakash, clandestinely interring his remains within her domicile after excavating a recess.

In the aftermath of this incident, Gokula Nayak, Prakash’s paternal figure, visited his progeny. Suspecting foul play concerning Prakash’s vanishing act, his father submitted a missing person report at the Odagaon Police Station. Pivoting on this report, the police initiated an inquiry, subsequently exhuming Prakash’s mortal remains from the residence. The police apprised, “Prakash’s spouse, her paramour, and her progenitor are presently in custody. Simultaneously, a facsimile of the crime scene has been meticulously reconstructed.”