
Amidst the forthcoming NEET UG 2024, the nation’s paramount medical entrance examination, orchestrated by the National Testing Agency (NTA) and scheduled for May 5, garners attention. Applications for this eminent assessment were open until March 16, during which a staggering 25.60 lakh aspirants submitted their candidature electronically, setting an unprecedented record. Presently, the National Testing Agency extends a lifeline to those candidates who, in the throes of submitting their online applications, stumbled upon errors necessitating correction.

According to Parijat Mishra, a luminary in the realm of career counseling at a prestigious private coaching institute in Kota, candidates are afforded the opportunity for online rectification from March 18th to 20th. Within this temporal window, candidates enjoy the liberty to amend all particulars furnished in their applications, save for their mobile number and email ID, which remain immutable.

Historically unprecedented, this occasion marks the inaugural instance where candidates are empowered to effectuate modifications across all facets during this entrance examination’s correctional phase. This privilege remains accessible to candidates until 11:50 pm on March 20th. It is noteworthy that candidates will incur a nominal fee for rectifying specific errors such as gender, category, and sub-category, with said fee being non-reimbursable. For any inquiries or clarifications concerning error rectification, candidates may avail themselves of NTA’s assistance via telephone at 011 40759000 or through email at

Candidates retain the prerogative to alter the following details in their online submissions:

  • Appellant’s nomenclature
  • Paternal or maternal appellation
  • Date of nativity
  • Gender classification
  • Socioeconomic stratum
  • Language medium for question dissemination
  • State of eligibility
  • Examination locality
  • Scholastic attainment particulars (10th and 12th grades)
  • Categorization
  • Sub-categorization/Persons with Disabilities (PWD)
  • Domiciliary details (permanent and current)
  • Emergency contact information
  • Photographic depiction of the aspirant
  • Signature