In Bhubaneswar, the Odisha Police team has instructed its specialized security battalion personnel to eradicate tattoos from their bodies within a fortnight as these markings are readily apparent in uniform and deemed “indecent and disparaging”.
The assistant commissioner of police (security) in Bhubaneswar issued a decree to this effect on Tuesday and urged all relevant officials to compile a roster of SSB individuals sporting “conspicuous tattoos” on their persons.
SSB operatives offer protective services to critical infrastructures such as the chief minister’s abode, Raj Bhavan, state secretariat, Odisha Legislative Assembly, and the high court.
They are also responsible for safeguarding VVIPs and esteemed guests within the state as well as those journeying to Odisha from other parts of India. A considerable number of unit members engage in tattooing their bodies, which tarnishes the reputation of the battalion and the Odisha Police, given the offensive, indecent, and disparaging nature of these markings.
“Consequently, following thorough deliberation, it was determined that tattoos visible while in uniform are not permissible henceforth,” stated the DCP (security) in the directive.
All supervisors overseeing the SSB personnel have been instructed to compile a record of individuals “bearing tattoos in conspicuous areas while in uniform and instruct them to permanently eradicate the tattoos within fifteen days of receiving the directive”.
The DCP cautioned that failure to comply with the directive would result in requisite disciplinary measures being taken against offenders. SSB personnel were advised to refrain from tattooing visible areas such as the face, neck, and hands in order to uphold professional standards.