Amidst the bustling preparations for the imminent 18th Lok Sabha Election 2024, set to commence during the third week of this month, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has embarked on pioneering campaigns such as ‘You are the One’ and ‘Turning 18’ across social media platforms. These initiatives adhere to a bespoke messaging strategy aimed at augmenting the overarching theme of ‘Chunav Ka Parv, Desh Ka Garv’.
Primarily targeting the youth and first-time voters, pivotal actors in shaping the next government, the thematic focus seeks to entice this demographic, enlightening them about the weight of their ballot in the carnival of democracy.
The Commission, mindful of the apathy often observed among urban and young voters, endeavors to elevate voter turnout through these initiatives.
The ‘Turning 18’ campaign strategically zeroes in on the nascent electorate, employing diverse tactics to captivate their interest in this pivotal electoral process. Comparative analyses between past and present elections will be conducted, accompanied by the introduction of thematic logos for enhanced recognition.
Furthermore, the Commission will spotlight previously devised themes from prior elections, all with the intent of impressing upon young voters the significance of exercising their democratic right.
The reverberations of the ‘Turning 18’ campaign are far-reaching, bolstered by extensive amplification through State Chief Electoral Officers (CEOs) and prominent national broadcasters such as DD News and Akashvani.
In addition, strategic collaborations with esteemed National and State SVEEP icons are poised to magnify the campaign’s reach, particularly among the youth.
This concerted endeavor aims to disseminate the campaign’s ethos across various societal strata, ensuring effective engagement with the target demographic and fostering momentum leading up to the polling days.
According to data released by the election commission, an estimated 1.8 crore individuals are poised to cast their ballots for the first time in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, with a staggering 19.74 crore falling within the young voter bracket (20-29).
Comparatively, the preceding general elections in 2018 saw 1.5 crore first-time voters exercise their electoral rights.