Amidst the scenic backdrop of Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir, a momentous development unfolds as the Central Government orchestrates the deployment of an extensive array comprising 635 paramilitary forces companies. This revelation sparks contemplation regarding the latent tensions and security intricacies in the region, casting shadows in anticipation of the imminent Lok Sabha elections in 2024.
This disclosure forms a pivotal component of an ambitious strategy encompassing the dispatch of 3400 companies dispersed across 36 states and Union Territories. Noteworthy is the allocation of over 50 percent of these forces to the precarious landscapes of West Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir, and Chhattisgarh. Reliable sources affirm the expeditious requisition of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) by the Chief Electoral Officers of various States and Union Territories, citing imperative election-centric duties.
The gamut of responsibilities assigned to these forces encompasses dominion over specific areas, instigation of confidence-building measures, orchestration of poll day activities, and the safeguarding of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) within fortified strong rooms and counting centers during the pivotal electoral process. Detailed insights obtained by ETV Bharat underscore the phased deployment of around 3400 CAPF companies nationwide, meticulously designed to uphold the principles of unfettered, equitable, and serene electoral proceedings.
The intricate assessment of the prevailing situation dictates an unprecedented deployment, with 920 companies earmarked for West Bengal, 635 for Jammu and Kashmir, and 360 for Chhattisgarh. This distribution marks the highest concentration across all states and Union Territories. The intricacies of Jammu and Kashmir’s security panorama necessitate the retention of 36 CAPF companies, specifically designated for the vigilant protection of strong rooms and the systematic arrangement of counting centers.
Officials reveal that the Union Territory will witness the orchestrated collaboration of forces, overseen by the discerning gaze of ADGP (Law and Order) Vijay Kumar and Chief Electoral Officer Pandurang Pole. In a supplementary directive, the Chairman of the Railway Board receives instructions to ensure an ample supply of rolling stocks equipped with requisite amenities on trains, ensuring the seamless mobilization and timely transit of forces for their electoral duties.
A senior official from the J&K administration sheds light on this strategic development, stating, “We are poised to conduct a comprehensive review meeting involving all pertinent departments and concurrently establish provisions for the personnel.” This strategic maneuver assumes paramount significance, considering that Jammu and Kashmir, with its five Lok Sabha seats, wields substantial influence in shaping the regional political landscape. The inclusion of Ladakh, contributing an additional seat, further accentuates the strategic relevance of this deployment, reminiscent of the 2019 Parliamentary polls wherein both Union Territories, formerly part of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir, collectively presided over six parliamentary seats.