In a sorrowful event, a foreign adolescent, Luis Angel hailing from Peru, met his demise subsequent to a fall from a rooftop while utilizing his cellular device at Dariba Mines. Law enforcement authorities revealed that engaged in manual labor at Dariba Mines, Luis tragically plummeted from a rooftop while deeply engrossed in dialogue on his handheld communication device. Despite expeditious medical intervention, his injuries proved fatal, compelling the attending medical personnel to pronounce him deceased.
Additional Superintendent of Police, Mahendra Pareek, spearheaded the investigative efforts, collating evidence in collaboration with the forensic team. The law enforcement official articulated that a comprehensive post-mortem examination was conducted, yielding a factual dossier subsequently forwarded to the Ministry of External Affairs.
Pareek articulated, “Stringent scrutiny was ensured by law enforcement, encompassing a meticulous post-mortem conducted by a medical board, culminating in the compilation of an exhaustive factual dossier. This dossier was expeditiously dispatched to the Ministry of External Affairs, accompanied by pertinent documentation such as Luis Angel’s visa, passport, and identification credentials.”
“The domicile within the Peru Complex Residential Area, where the tragic incident transpired, was cordoned off under police supervision. The post-mortem of the cadaver was executed by the medical board, following which the remains were relinquished to his sibling, Marcos,” Pareek appended.
Upon receipt of information, the Forensic Unit, District Mobile Unit, and MOB team from Udaipur promptly arrived at the scene, conducting a thorough investigation of the incident site. Railmagra police registered a case of premature demise in accordance with the account provided by Luis Angel’s grieving brother, Marcos.