Amidst the labyrinth of legal intricacies, the erstwhile Commissioner of Mumbai Police, Param Bir Singh, finds himself ensnared in a web of fresh allegations. A Dubai-based entrepreneur, Rupin Hemant Banker, has stepped forward, accusing Singh of engaging in a campaign of blackmail. According to Banker, Singh sought a staggering Rs 15 crore as a bribe to retract what he deems as baseless charges.
Banker narrates a convoluted tale involving a contentious departure from Dubai, triggered by a dispute with fellow businessman Kailash Agarwal. Allegedly coerced to flee due to Agarwal’s demand for a Rs 35 crore settlement, Banker asserts that the Mumbai police, under the aegis of Param Bir Singh, compounded his woes by demanding Rs 15 crore.
The saga takes a darker turn as Banker claims that the police, under Singh’s leadership, wielded the threat of invoking the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) unless the exorbitant bribe was paid promptly. To bolster his claims, Banker submitted a recorded conversation with Kailash Agarwal to the Commissioner of Police.
In a recent development, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) entered the fray, initiating five distinct First Information Reports (FIRs) against Singh and others. The CBI’s intervention followed directives from the Supreme Court, prompted by Singh’s own plea to transfer the investigation to the agency. Singh contends that he has become a target due to his previous complaints against former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh, currently under investigation for alleged money laundering.
Fast forward to 2023, and the state government issued orders absolving the top cop of all charges, vindicating him in all legal proceedings. The intricate tapestry of legal maneuvers continues to unfold, leaving behind a mosaic of complexity and unpredictability.