The enchanting saga of global luminary Priyanka Chopra and American crooner Nick Jonas has ensnared the affections of millions across the globe. This dynamic duo’s odyssey, commencing with an exhilarating courtship, has flourished into a resplendent matrimony and eventually, parenthood, marked by the advent of their cherished progeny, Malti Marie. In a recent discourse with a news agency, Priyanka’s matron, Madhu Chopra, divulged insights into Nick’s strategy to secure her approbation for marriage.
Madhu recounted that during their inaugural encounter in India, Nick escorted her to luncheon alongside Priyanka and inquired about the quintessential attributes she envisioned in a consort for her daughter. Madhu enumerated her stipulations, and to her astonishment, Nick, with unwavering resolve, clasped her hand and proclaimed, “I am that man. May I fulfill that role? I vow that none of your prerequisites will remain unmet.” Madhu was profoundly impressed by Nick’s candor, and as they say, the remainder is history.
The duo’s enchanting romance culminated in an opulent, dual-ceremony nuptial in December 2018, featuring a traditional Hindu wedding succeeded by a white wedding, set against the idyllic backdrop of Jodhpur. Presently, they dwell in Los Angeles, reveling in the bliss of their petite family. Professionally, Priyanka Chopra is primed for her forthcoming monumental endeavor, “Heads of State,” wherein she will share the limelight with Idris Elba and John Cena.