In a significant stride against the narcotics trade, the Pune Police Crime Branch has announced a pivotal breakthrough, dismantling a major drug syndicate operating in the Vishrantwadi precinct of Maharashtra. The seizure, amounting to over 52 kilograms of Mephedrone (MD), carries an estimated international market value surpassing Rs 100 crore, according to an official statement.
The surreptitious concealment of these contraband substances within salt pouches reflects a tactical maneuver to elude suspicion, dealing a substantial blow to the illicit drug trafficking network in the region. The official underscored that the Crime Branch Unit I of the Pune Police has apprehended three individuals implicated in the smuggling operation. This strategic move evolved following specific intelligence inputs concerning the transit of the Mephedrone drug through Mumbai.
Acting on the provided intelligence, law enforcement intercepted the trio within a vehicle in the Somvar Peth locality of Pune. The arrested individuals include Vaibhav, also known as Pintya Bharat Mane, and Ajay Amarnath Corsia, a 35-year-old resident of Pune, alongside Haider Sheikh, domiciled in Vishrantwadi, Pune. This apprehension transpired on Monday, February 19, in connection with the case. The subsequent interrogation brought forth revelations from Haider Noor Shaikh, one of the accused, indicating that the MD drug had been supplied to them by a Nigerian national.
An in-depth police inquiry exposed that post-receiving the narcotics from the Nigerian national, the trio was tasked with transporting the contraband to Mumbai. In light of this disclosure, the police have initiated a comprehensive investigation into the matter. Additionally, narcotics and two cellular devices were seized from Haider, as affirmed by a police spokesperson.