Amidst the vibrant streets of New Delhi, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) fervently appealed to the Election Commission on Monday, urging for stringent measures against Rahul Gandhi, a prominent figure in the Congress party. Their plea stemmed from Gandhi’s recent participation in an assembly held by the INDIA bloc, where he made statements suggestive of collusion, sparking allegations of “match-fixing.”
A delegation representing the BJP, comprising the esteemed Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri and the national general secretary Arun Kumar, convened to lodge a formal complaint against Gandhi with the electoral oversight body. Addressing the media post their rendezvous with Election Commission officials, Puri articulated their concerns, deeming Gandhi’s utterances during the public discourse as “highly objectionable.” He emphasized that such remarks not only flouted the established model code of conduct but also carried weighty ramifications.
“During his discourse at the public assembly, Rahul Gandhi insinuated that the ongoing parliamentary elections are akin to a predetermined outcome, likening them to a prearranged contest. Additionally, he cast doubt on the autonomy of the Election Commission by alleging the infiltration of government affiliates. Furthermore, he questioned the integrity of the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) and conjectured potential constitutional amendments post-elections,” Puri elucidated to the gathered press.
Expressing their dismay, Puri underscored the urgency for the Election Commission to administer severe reprimand against Rahul Gandhi, alongside other key figures from the Congress party and their allies within the INDIA coalition. Echoing Puri’s sentiments, Kumar condemned Gandhi’s recurrent tendency to disseminate such contentious statements, advocating for the Commission to deliberate on imposing sanctions that would inhibit his ability to address the electorate during the ongoing parliamentary proceedings.