In New Delhi, the Congress is gearing up for a significant surge in the southern states as they prepare for a grand event on April 3rd. This event marks Rahul Gandhi’s second nomination filing from the Wayanad Lok Sabha seat. Accompanied by his sister, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, it promises to be a remarkable occasion.
Expressing his anticipation, AICC Secretary P. Vishwanathan shared insights with ETV Bharat, stating, “We’re thrilled about the upcoming mega road show and rally as Rahul Gandhi files his nomination from Wayanad. The Congress, having secured 19 out of 20 Lok Sabha seats in Kerala in 2019, aims to replicate that success this time around. With all 20 seats in Kerala up for grabs on April 26, we’re confident in our prospects.”
Vishwanathan emphasized the broader implications of Rahul’s candidature from Wayanad, highlighting its resonance across the southern states and its potential impact on the party’s overall Lok Sabha tally.
“Our objective is to sweep all 20 Lok Sabha seats in Kerala. Rahul Gandhi’s proactive involvement in Wayanad’s development and his responsiveness to the electorate have garnered immense support. Despite the election fervor, we anticipate a significant turnout from across the state,” he asserted.
Furthermore, Vishwanathan addressed the party’s prospects in other southern states, emphasizing their optimism in Telangana and Karnataka, where the Congress holds power, and in Tamil Nadu, where it is part of the ruling coalition.
“We’re optimistic about securing approximately 15 out of 17 seats in Telangana. The weakening of the BRS, along with significant defections to our party, bodes well for our electoral prospects. In Karnataka, under the leadership of DK Shiv Kumar, we’re confident of clinching at least 20 out of 28 Lok Sabha seats, thanks to effective governance and candidate selection,” explained Rohit Chaudhary, AICC Secretary for Telangana.
Chaudhary further outlined the meticulous election management strategy deployed across the 17 Lok Sabha constituencies in Telangana, highlighting the deployment of senior leaders and ministers to ensure a focused approach.
Meanwhile, in Karnataka, the party’s focus remains on leveraging organizational strength and effective governance under the Siddaramaiah administration to secure electoral success.
“In Tamil Nadu, our alliance with the DMK aims to surpass our previous performance and secure victory in all 39 Lok Sabha seats. We’re buoyed by the positive response and anticipate a favorable outcome,” concluded party insiders, underscoring the collective optimism surrounding the Congress’s electoral prospects in the southern states.