
In the heart of New Delhi, an incident unfolded on the Patel Nagar-Dayabasti railway section, unveiling the spectacle of approximately ten cargo train carriages derailing and capsizing during the early hours of Saturday. Authorities reported the derailment near the Zakhira flyover at precisely 11:52 am. The notification reached the Delhi police, alerting them to the unfolding events on this eventful February 17.

“On this date and time, at 11:52 hrs, intelligence was received concerning the derailment occurrence near the Zakhira Flyover,” communicated the vigilant police force.

Upon arrival at the scene, investigators discovered the aftermath of a goods train derailing, resulting in the upheaval of ten freight carriages. Simultaneously, representatives from the railway and fire department promptly mobilized their forces to the location, initiating a swift and efficient rescue mission.