In Bengaluru, Karnataka, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) presented the individual suspected of involvement in the Rameshwaram Cafe explosion, Muzamil Shareef, before the specialized tribunal in the urban center today. The tribunal has decreed that the defendant be handed over to the NIA’s custody for a period of seven days. The occurrence of the Rameswaram Cafe explosion provoked widespread attention nationally.
Conversely, the NIA has declared a bounty of Rs 10 lakh for any information regarding the suspected perpetrator of the cafe explosion, Abdul Matheen Ahmed Taahaa, also known as Taha, alias Vignesh, alias Sumit, who is approximately 30 years old. The agency has stated that whoever furnishes information resulting in Taha’s apprehension will receive the reward. In a statement posted on X, the NIA declared, “Inquiries will be conducted discreetly, and the identity of the informant will be safeguarded.”
Sources indicate that the suspected individual, Muzamil Shareef, furnished the essential components for constructing explosives to the primary accused in the cafe blast case, thus conspiring to perpetrate the act of sabotage. Consequently, the tribunal granted the NIA’s request for an extension of the investigation and remanded the suspect to the agency’s custody for a duration of seven days.
Muzamil Shareef, hailing from Mudigere, Chikkamagaluru, was apprehended on Thursday on charges of supplying raw materials and facilitating the bomb blast accused. He departed from Bengaluru six months ago and was employed at Chicken County, Mudigere.
NIA insiders disclosed that Abdul Mateen Taha, the most sought-after suspect from Tirthahalli, and Muzamil Shareef were classmates until the SSLC level.
The detonation at the Rameshwaram cafe occurred in the White Field locality of Bengaluru in March. Numerous individuals were affected by its ramifications, given its timing during the bustling lunch period. Employees and laborers at nearby enterprises and commercial establishments are regular patrons of the renowned Rameshwaram cafe in Karnataka’s capital city.