In the saga surrounding the tragedy outside the residence of the renowned celebrity Salman Khan, the family of Anuj Thapan, the implicated individual who met his demise in what authorities assert as “suicide” while in police custody, vehemently refutes this narrative, asserting his demise as a deliberate act and demanding an autopsy conducted beyond the confines of Mumbai. Abhishek Thapan, the deceased’s sibling, adamantly contends that Anuj’s demise could not have been a self-inflicted act and is now rallying for retribution.
In a communiqué to a press syndicate, Abhishek articulated that Anuj was apprehended by the Mumbai Police approximately 6-7 days prior in Sangrur. He asserted, “Today, we were apprised of Anuj’s purported suicide. It is inconceivable that he would resort to such an extreme measure. He was met with foul play at the hands of law enforcement. We demand justice for his untimely demise. He was employed as an assistant to a truck driver.”
Manoj Godara, the village’s Sarpanch, expressed skepticism regarding the circumstances surrounding the incident, casting doubt on the narrative of suicide and positing it as a contrived scenario. Godara, in a discourse with a media outlet, opined, “The circumstances surrounding this incident have been dubious from the outset. The deceased and his kin were merely laborers, with Anuj assisting a truck driver. His apprehension by the Mumbai Police was executed without prior notification to the Panchayat. The family was only apprised of the situation 1-2 days thereafter, highlighting the dubious nature of police custody.”
“In the conflict between Salman Khan and the laborers, they succumbed to pressure and orchestrated his demise, masquerading it as a self-inflicted act,” he asserted. Earlier in the day, Mumbai Police announced that Thapan had attempted suicide and was promptly transported to the nearest medical facility, where he was pronounced deceased. For those unaware, he was implicated as one of the suppliers of arms involved in the gunfire incident outside actor Salman Khan’s residence in Mumbai.
As per police reports, the purported suicide of Anuj Thapan is currently under scrutiny by the state CID. The Sarpanch has urged for the autopsy of Thapan’s remains to be conducted outside the confines of Mumbai. Godara articulated, “The family seeks retribution. Given Salman Khan’s influence in Mumbai, it is imperative that the autopsy be conducted beyond the jurisdiction of the state.”
The incident dates back to the morning of April 14, when two individuals arrived on a motorcycle and discharged four rounds outside Salman Khan’s Galaxy Apartments. The Mumbai Crime Police apprehended both the assailants, Sagar Pal and Vicky Gupta, alongside two arms suppliers, Sonu Subhash Chander and Anuj Thapan. Additionally, Anmol Bishnoi, the sibling of the sought-after gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, has been issued a lookout notice in connection to the case.