
In Vikasnagar, located in Uttarakhand, a trio of individuals purportedly perpetrated a heinous act of sexual assault against a woman, resulting in her impregnation, as reported by the local authorities on Friday. The victim disclosed that she had experienced a miscarriage several days prior to the incident, according to the police.

Following the woman’s complaint lodged at the Sahaspur police station in Dehradun, law enforcement has initiated legal proceedings against the alleged perpetrators.

The woman, employed as a culinary artisan in a religious school, levied accusations against two educators and the administrative overseer for subjecting her to a drug-induced state before committing the assault. In her testimony, she claimed that the accused had administered spiked tea to her before engaging in the reprehensible act. Upon regaining consciousness and vehemently opposing the violation, the perpetrators purportedly issued threats of dire consequences should she dare to disclose the incident to anyone.

Subsequently, the woman recounted returning to her residence following the ordeal, only to experience a deterioration in her health in the ensuing days. She recounted seeking medical assistance, whereupon an examination revealed her pregnancy. Regrettably, she later endured a miscarriage, further exacerbating her distress.

Mukesh Tyagi, the officer-in-charge at the Sahaspur police station, affirmed the registration of a case concerning the alleged gang rape and miscarriage. “The victim has detailed the harrowing ordeal of her gang rape and subsequent miscarriage. The investigative responsibilities have been entrusted to a female sub-inspector, and efforts are underway to locate the three accused individuals,” Tyagi stated.