Amidst the fervor preceding the Lok Sabha elections, the scrutiny intensifies around the parliamentary endeavors of Shatrughan Sinha, the former cine-star now donning the political mantle, representing the constituency of Asansol.
Approximately two and a half years ago, Sinha secured his parliamentary seat from Asansol under the banner of the TMC. As the electoral wheel spins once more, with Sinha poised for re-election from the same constituency, queries arise concerning his perceived ‘passivity’ within the hallowed halls of Parliament. Critics allege a conspicuous absence of Sinha’s presence in debates, noting a mere 63 percent attendance record.
In a scathing critique, Bappaditya Chatterjee, the BJP’s organizational district president in Asansol, lambasted, “TMC’s Shatrughan Sinha failed to articulate a single concern pertaining to his constituency in Parliament.” He underscored the pressing issue of water scarcity plaguing vast swathes of the city, suggesting Sinha could have intervened to alleviate the crisis.
Chatterjee reiterated the perceived disconnect, asserting that the voice of the Asansol MP remains faint in the parliamentary cacophony.
Echoing the sentiment, Krishnendu Mukherjee, a senior BJP figure in the state, echoed, “Be it parliamentary discourse or addressing concerns, the MP’s performance is lackluster. Yet, where does he purport to have garnered substantial approvals from the Center?”
In response to these allegations, Shatrughan Sinha retorted, “The opposition’s accusations are predictable. However, the ground reality diverges. Parliamentary decorum often stifles voices. There’s pandemonium, and opportunities to speak are scarce. I endeavored to speak during the zero hour, yet my voice remained unheard.”
Sinha continued, “Who truly has a platform in Parliament? I was deprived of even the chance to speak during the zero hour.” He presented his ‘report card,’ asserting Asansol’s procurement of central projects worth Rs. 11 crore during his tenure.
Additionally, the TMC MP cited his endeavors in securing various railway projects for his constituency and affirmed his role in facilitating approvals for medical treatment through the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund.