In the realm of Srinagar, nestled in the embrace of Jammu and Kashmir, the conclusion of an extended arid phase during this winter prompts the Kashmir valley to prepare for an impending cascade of rains and snow. The indigenous Meteorological Department, foreseeing moist atmospheric conditions in the imminent days, predicts a scenario where the skies will adorn themselves with a mix of partial to general cloud cover, coupled with the prospect of faint snowfall gracing the elevated terrains during the late hours of Saturday, February 17.
As we approach February 18, the meteorological tableau suggests the likelihood of gentle to moderate precipitation, manifested as rain or snow, making its presence felt across most locales. Yet, the drama intensifies as heavy snowfall seems poised to drape the isolated highlands of North, Northwestern, Central, and South Kashmir. Beyond, on the subsequent days of February 19-20, the meteorological canvas reveals a narrative of potential light to moderate precipitation encompassing vast expanses, both in the low-lying plains and the lower reaches. Meanwhile, the upper echelons of Kupwara, Baramulla, Bandipora, Ganderbal, Budgam, Shopian, and Kulgam districts might experience a generous deluge of heavy snowfall, enhancing the winter panorama.
Per the pronouncements of the Met official, the calendar flips to February 21, projecting intermittent spells of faint to moderate snowfall at numerous sites until the afternoon or late afternoon, followed by a gradual amelioration in weather conditions thereafter.
Shifting focus to the Jammu Division, the Meteorological Department propounds the potential occurrence of mild to moderate precipitation, incorporating rain or snow, over higher altitudes on February 18. As we transition to February 19-20, a narrative of sporadic light to moderate rain accompanied by thunder and lightning unfolds across the plains of Jammu Division. Simultaneously, the elevated precincts of Ramban, Poonch, Doda, and Kishtwar may witness a spectacle of light to moderate snowfall, with isolated highlands embracing the weight of substantial snow deposits.
Come February 21, the script continues with the prospect of intermittent spells of light to moderate snow or rain over numerous locales, persisting until late afternoon or evening, with a subsequent progressive improvement in atmospheric conditions. It’s worth noting that the Kashmir valley, after enduring a protracted period of aridity, saw respite with the advent of rain and the inaugural snowfall of the winter season on January 29.