
In the bustling city of New Delhi, the esteemed spiritual luminary, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, underwent a critical procedure for an emergent cerebral ailment at a distinguished private medical facility. The precarious condition entailed severe intracranial hemorrhaging, posing an imminent threat to his life, as reported by the Isha Foundation on Thursday.

A reassuring update surfaced through an Instagram narrative shared by Sadhguru’s progeny, Radhe Jaggi, on the preceding Wednesday, affirming his satisfactory convalescence and swift recuperation. Echoing this sentiment, the official communiqué from the Isha Foundation underscored the positive trajectory of Sadhguru’s recovery, elucidating that his physiological parameters have reverted to a state of equilibrium, evoking a semblance of normalcy and stability.

Further amplifying the narrative, an evening post on a prominent social media platform, ‘X’, reiterated the favorable progress in Sadhguru’s health journey, expressing profound gratitude for the overwhelming tide of affection and solidarity emanating from well-wishers. At the venerable age of 66, the revered spiritual luminary is renowned as the visionary behind the Isha Foundation, spearheading impactful environmental initiatives like ‘Save Soil’ and ‘Rally for Rivers’.

In an official proclamation issued by the Indraprastha Apollo Hospital on the antecedent Wednesday, details of the surgical intervention conducted on March 17th to alleviate the intracranial hemorrhage were disclosed. Subsequent to the procedure, Sadhguru was successfully liberated from mechanical ventilation, indicative of a commendable stride towards recovery. The hospital attested to the steadfast amelioration in his clinical metrics, marking a promising trajectory in his convalescence.

In a display of optimism tinged with levity, Sadhguru took to his Instagram platform to share a personal anecdote from his hospital sojourn. Reflecting on the surgical ordeal, he humorously recounted the neurosurgeons’ endeavor to unearth a purported anomaly within his cranial cavity, only to encounter an absence of any discernible pathology. Consequently, he found himself in New Delhi, with a cranial void sealed, yet with an unblemished cerebral cortex, as he jovially quipped.