In Vellore, Tamil Nadu, the Chief Minister M K Stalin criticized the BJP’s stance on the Katchatheevu issue, alleging a significant reversal as the Lok Sabha elections loom. Stalin accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of lacking the fortitude to either rebuke Sri Lanka for detaining fishermen or confront China regarding its territorial claims over Arunachal Pradesh. Given this, he questioned Modi’s credibility in addressing the Katchatheevu matter.
During an election rally in the locality, the head of the ruling DMK denounced Modi’s actions as a “theatrical display” and dismissed the government’s disclosures under the RTI Act regarding Katchatheevu as misinformation.
He queried the government’s dissemination of incorrect information pertaining to national security under the RTI Act to a BJP member, K Annamalai.
Previously, the BJP administration had evaded questions on Katchatheevu, citing sub judice status as the matter awaited Supreme Court judgment. In 2015, the BJP government contended that Katchatheevu had never been a part of India, as asserted by S Jaishankar, the former foreign secretary, according to Stalin.
He alleged that the BJP altered its stance due to the impending elections, raising questions about Modi’s past actions towards Sri Lanka and China.
Stalin also questioned Modi’s silence on China’s claims over Arunachal Pradesh and accused the BJP of advocating for war with Sri Lanka to reclaim Katchatheevu when they came to power in 2014.
He demanded clarification on whether Modi had pursued the return of Katchatheevu during his visit to Sri Lanka and if he had asserted India’s ownership of the island. According to Stalin, Modi failed to address Katchatheevu during his foreign visits.
Recalling a previous occasion when he urged for Katchatheevu’s retrieval during Modi’s visit to Chennai, Stalin accused Modi of theatricality and fabricating narratives on the issue.
He questioned the government’s prompt response to the RTI application, highlighting the historical lack of transparency surrounding Katchatheevu.
Stalin remarked on the longstanding ambiguity in Parliament regarding Katchatheevu and the failure to provide clear answers despite numerous RTI inquiries.