In New Delhi, the former Union minister Birender Singh and his former MLA spouse Prem Lata reconnected with the Congress on Tuesday, a decade following their departure from the party. Their reunion coincided with their son Brijendra Singh’s recent entrance into the party, subsequent to his resignation from the Congress. Aged 78, Birender Singh traces his lineage to the farmer luminary Sir Chhotu Ram and opted to leave the Congress in 2014 to align with the BJP.
During his tenure, he presided over the Ministry of Steel in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s inaugural administration, concurrently overseeing rural development, panchayati raj, and potable water and sanitation. Reflecting on his reintegration with the Congress, Birender Singh remarked, “It signifies not only my physical return but also a revival of my ideological stance.”
Extending a warm reception to Birender Singh and Prem Lata, senior party figure Mukul Wasnik expressed confidence that their inclusion would fortify the Congress’s position in Haryana, potentially contributing to the establishment of a Congress-led government in the state. Former Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda remarked, “By returning, Birender Singh has reaffirmed the timeless adage, ‘Home is where the heart is’. He is akin to an elder sibling to me, and his resurgence within the Congress brings me immense joy.”
Hooda emphasized the imperative of fostering solidarity to augment the party’s influence, asserting that only through unified action could democracy and constitutional values be safeguarded. AICC general secretary Randeep Surjewala expressed heartfelt sentiments, heralding Birender Singh’s reinstatement into the party ranks.
Among the dignitaries present were Kumari Selja, Uday Bhan, the Haryana party chief, Kiran Chaudhary, former speaker of the Haryana Assembly, Rajinder Kaur Bhattal, former deputy chief minister of Punjab, and Capt Ajay Singh, head of the AICC OBC Cell.