Amidst the political arena in New Delhi, the Congress party found itself entangled in a financial dispute as it disclosed receiving fresh notifications from the income-tax department, urging a payment of Rs 1,823.08 crore. The party vehemently accused the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of wielding ‘fiscal coercion’ to destabilize the opposition’s financial standing in anticipation of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
Reacting with acerbic rhetoric to the latest fiscal directives, former president of the Congress, Rahul Gandhi, issued a pointed warning, vowing to ensure severe consequences for those undermining democratic values, thereby dissuading any future acts of political vendetta.
Taking to the platform formerly known as Twitter, Rahul Gandhi expressed his sentiments in Hindi, articulating a resolute stance against such infringements on democracy. He stated, “Once the governing regime changes, decisive measures will be implemented against those who defile the essence of democracy! The repercussions will be so potent that none shall dare to repeat such transgressions. This is my assurance. #BJPTaxTerrorism.”
During a press briefing held at the AICC headquarters in Delhi, Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh, accompanied by party treasurer Ajay Maken, launched scathing allegations against the BJP, asserting serious breaches of income-tax regulations. Maken specifically called upon the income-tax department to pursue dues exceeding Rs 4,600 crore from the saffron party for alleged violations.
Accusing the BJP of orchestrating an ‘electoral bonds scam’, Ramesh claimed the party had amassed a staggering sum of Rs 8,200 crore through illicit means, utilizing channels such as ‘pre-paid, post-paid, post-raid bribes, and shell companies’.
In retaliation, Ramesh condemned the BJP’s tactics as ‘fiscal intimidation’, affirming the Congress’s unwavering resolve to withstand such pressures. He reiterated the party’s commitment to its electoral campaign, asserting their determination to present assurances to the populace unabated. “We shall not be daunted by these notifications. On the contrary, we shall escalate our efforts and confront these elections head-on,” declared the former Union minister.
Maken further alleged that the Congress, along with other allied opposition factions, was being selectively targeted by the income-tax department, branding it as a mere extension of the BJP’s agenda. Describing the department’s actions as a premeditated assault on the Congress, Maken announced the party’s intention to seek recourse through legal channels, with an impending appeal to the Supreme Court to contest the department’s demands.