Delhi Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Saurabh Bharadwaj stirred controversy on Sunday, accusing the Central government of a sinister plot to harm an elected Chief Minister. This claim comes amidst a heated debate over Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal’s diabetes treatment during his time in Tihar jail. Bharadwaj dismissed the BJP’s assertions regarding the adequacy of medical facilities in Tihar jail, pointing to a letter from the DG of Tihar jail to AIIMS seeking a diabetologist.
Following Bharadwaj’s accusations, the jail administration revealed that a senior doctor from AIIMS was consulted via video conferencing, responding to a request made by the CM’s wife, Sunita Kejriwal.
Despite these clarifications from Tihar jail authorities, AAP continues to allege a conspiracy, claiming that Kejriwal is being deprived of insulin and necessary medical consultations, leading to what they describe as a “slow death” in Tihar jail.
Bharadwaj stated firmly, “I want to say with full responsibility that a conspiracy is underway to cause the slow death of Kejriwal.” Kejriwal, who suffers from Type 2 diabetes, has reportedly been requesting his family doctor to conduct video conferences and provide insulin during his time in jail.
However, AAP claims that the jail administration has rejected these requests. Bharadwaj expressed concern, saying, “If a patient with high sugar does not take medicine, his body parts can get damaged. This can happen to Arvind Kejriwal ji as well. If this happens, no L-G will be able to provide him with a kidney or liver.”
Bharadwaj also mentioned that the court had granted permission for the CM to use a machine to monitor his blood sugar levels daily while in jail.
The Delhi minister asserted that Kejriwal’s treatment is being tampered with, alleging that the CM is being denied insulin based on advice from a regular doctor.
Responding to these claims, jail authorities stated that Kejriwal had ceased taking insulin before his arrest and had not received any advice about it. Kejriwal himself, in a report to the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, stated that he was only taking the oral medication Metformin, a basic anti-diabetes medication, and was part of an insulin reversal program.
These developments come on the heels of a recent court proceeding where the Rouse Avenue Court reserved judgment on a motion filed by Delhi CM Kejriwal. The motion sought insulin from Tihar jail authorities and requested permission for daily 15-minute video conferences with doctors, citing his severe diabetes and unstable blood sugar levels.
In a separate case, last month the Enforcement Directorate asserted in court that AAP chief and Delhi CM Kejriwal was the “kingpin and key conspirator of the Delhi excise scam”. The ED’s remand application claimed Kejriwal, “was involved in the conspiracy…to favour certain persons and…in the demanding kickbacks from liquor businessmen in exchange for favours”.