
In a tragic incident amidst ongoing drainage construction work in Marapalam, Vasant Nagar, Puducherry, a horrifying mishap occurred on a Sunday morning. The collapse of a wall claimed the lives of three workers while leaving several others critically injured. At the time, approximately 16 workers were diligently engaged in their tasks.

Reports indicate that the construction site was amidst mud removal for wall construction when a 33-year-old wall belonging to the Puducherry Electricity Department unexpectedly gave way. Tragically, three workers from Tamil Nadu found themselves trapped under the debris, succumbing to their injuries. Additionally, three other workers sustained severe wounds and were swiftly hospitalized for urgent medical attention.

Upon receiving the distressing news, both the fire department and local law enforcement promptly mobilized for rescue efforts. Despite initial delays in ambulance arrival, the injured were eventually transported to the hospital via a makeshift arrangement using a mini truck.

Initial investigations have identified the deceased as Bhagyaraj, Balamurugan, and Arogya Raj, hailing from Nettalakurichi, Ariyalur district. The workers involved in the drainage construction journeyed from Tiruvannamalai and Attur. Remarkably, around 10 workers narrowly escaped the calamity. Presently, the three injured workers are under intensive care at the government hospital.

Notable figures such as Tamil Nadu MLA M C Sampath and former Puducherry MLA Bhaskaran visited the site, underscoring the gravity of the incident and extending their support to the affected individuals and families.