
Wednesday witnessed a tragic event unfolding at a local stone quarry, claiming the lives of no less than three workers in a devastating explosion. Amidst the chaos, fragments of their bodies scattered haphazardly, some even swallowed by the unforgiving debris, revealed authorities.

The detonation, shrouding the quarry in billows of smoke and sand, reverberated throughout neighboring communities, sparking uproar and demands for immediate quarry closure. The explosion’s chilling spectacle, immortalized by a vigilant CCTV nearby, swiftly circulated across social media platforms, amplifying shockwaves.

Virudhunagar Police Superintendent K Feroze Khan Abdullah detailed the fatal incident, pinpointing the explosion’s genesis during an attempt to unload and store explosives on-site. His account, interrupted by sporadic inquiries, lamented the grotesque aftermath, underscoring the negligence that led to the calamity.

The cataclysm bore the unmistakable imprint of mishandled explosives, a revelation met with swift legal action. A case, now underway, scrutinizes the licensed premises and its affiliates, grappling with questions of accountability amidst the grieving.

Among the fallen, 47-year-old Kandasamy, 25-year-old Periadurai, and 60-year-old Guruswamy stand as somber testaments to this tragedy. Authorities vow relentless pursuit of justice, poised to invoke pertinent sections of the IPC, their resolve unwavering in the face of such grievous loss.