
In New Delhi, a formidable ensemble of all-female officers from the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force embarked on a demanding four-week nautical journey across the Arabian Sea. This strenuous undertaking served as a prelude to an imminent blue-water circumnavigation around the globe. As they confront the global competition in September, these 12 intrepid women honed their seafaring expertise in preparation.

Setting sail under the auspices of the Army Adventure Wing and the Army Aqua Nodal Centre at the College of Military Engineering, the crew demonstrated exceptional perseverance and skill over 27 days in arduous maritime conditions, an Army representative recounted.

“The expedition’s triumphant completion by the all-women crew exemplifies the capacity and acumen of female officers in orchestrating and executing complex, formidable missions,” the representative asserted. The training mission is culminating on Friday, featuring a passage from Mumbai to Lakshadweep and back.

With more than 6,000 nautical miles of training behind them, the crew is poised for the ‘Around the World Sailing Competition,’ heralding a significant epoch in India’s military chronicles, the official noted.

Throughout their voyage, the women navigators faced ever-changing wind patterns, oppressive temperatures, and turbulent waters, manifesting not only their physical resilience but also their mental tenacity and camaraderie, another official observed. The expedition, divided into four segments, offered distinct hurdles and learning prospects, bolstering the crew’s readiness for the forthcoming global challenge.

“This journey transcends mere geographical accomplishments, serving to dismantle cultural and gender barriers,” the official declared. “The endeavor celebrates ‘Nari Shakti’ (women power) and underscores the criticality of inclusivity and diversity.”

“As they gear up for their worldwide odyssey in the coming months, their narrative is already galvanizing many nationwide and globally, affirming that with steadfastness and resolve, obstacles can be surmounted and innovative paths forged,” the representative mentioned.

The official further emphasized: “This momentous voyage not only embodies the essence of adventure but also accentuates the importance of nurturing inclusivity and diversity within maritime and military pursuits.” The flagging-in ceremony, slated for Friday evening at Marve in Mumbai, will honor the accomplishments of these fearless women sailors, who have collectively amassed over 6,000 nautical miles of training, he mentioned.