In the urban expanse of Varanasi, situated in the state of Uttar Pradesh, a significant event unfolded on Tuesday within the confines of Lal Bahadur Shastri International Airport. The vigilant customs department apprehended an individual in possession of 1,567 grams of gold paste, a commodity valued at an astonishing Rs 98.40 lakh. The clandestine transportation of this gold, originating from Sharjah, was ingeniously concealed within the inner lining of the culprit’s trousers.
The sequence of events transpired subsequent to the de-boarding of Air India Express flight IX 184 at precisely 7:25 pm. Customs officials, exhibiting a discerning acumen, detected an air of peculiarity surrounding the individual identified as Virendra Kumar. Taking prompt action, Kumar was isolated, subjected to meticulous scrutiny, and subsequently admitted to the illicit transportation of the concealed gold. He was promptly taken into custody.
In a reminiscent incident transpiring in the bygone December, the same airport bore witness to another episode involving a male individual in possession of 884 grams of gold paste, a commodity valued at an impressive Rs 55 lakh. The customs department, displaying an unwavering commitment to their duty, apprehended the wrongdoer, identified as Ratnesh, who attempted to smuggle gold from Sharjah. In this instance, the gold was covertly hidden within capsules concealed in the individual’s rectum.
The suspicious conduct of Ratnesh during the de-boarding process of Air India Express flight AI 184 triggered the intervention of customs authorities. In response, a comprehensive search was conducted, leading to the discovery of three gold capsules concealed in the rectal cavity. Following a candid admission during the interrogation, Ratnesh found himself facing legal consequences, culminating in imprisonment.