In Kolkata, a revelation unfolds amidst the electoral buzz: Out of the pool of 37 contenders vying for victory in the electoral battlefields of Jalpaiguri (SC), Cooch Behar (SC), and Alipurduar (ST) constituencies within West Bengal, a notable fraction comprises individuals boasting substantial wealth—ten, to be precise, identified as ‘crorepatis’ through a meticulous perusal of their affidavits.
The impending electoral tussle slated for April 19th pertains to the esteemed Lok Sabha constituencies of Jalpaiguri, Cooch Behar, and Alipurduar.
Conducted by the West Bengal Election Watch and the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR), an insightful analysis conducted recently reveals the intriguing statistic that among the contenders, the elite echelon of ‘crorepatis’ includes representatives from various political affiliations: three independents, two each from the BJP and Trinamool Congress, and singular contenders from the CPI(M), Congress, and the RSP, respectively.
Towering over the monetary spectrum, CPI(M)’s Debraj Barman, in the fray for the Jalpaiguri (SC) Lok Sabha seat, commands an impressive fortune, quantified at a staggering Rs 3,89,89,468, a figure eclipsing his counterparts. Conversely, the antithesis of opulence manifests in the plight of SUCI’s Chandan Oraon, vying for the Alipurduar (ST) constituency, whose financial assets pale in comparison, barely scraping past the meager sum of Rs 12,117.
Delving deeper into the intricacies of the electoral landscape, a disconcerting revelation surfaces: Five of the candidates under scrutiny have been embroiled in legal entanglements, with a significant portion—four, to be precise—entangled in serious allegations, as elucidated in their criminal records.
Furthermore, a meticulous examination of the academic pedigrees of the contenders unveils a stark dichotomy: While 16 individuals boast qualifications spanning the spectrum from the eighth grade to twelfth grade, a formidable cohort comprising 20 aspirants stands adorned with laurels of higher education, ranging from undergraduate degrees to advanced academic credentials. Eclipsing these conventional narratives, a solitary candidate proudly proclaims his status as an autodidact.
Lastly, a discerning analysis of the age demographics of the contenders paints a vivid portrait: Twenty-one aspirants fall within the age bracket of 25 to 50 years, while the ranks of nominees aged between 51 and 70 years encompass a cohort of 15 individuals. Singular amidst the throng, a lone contender stands as a venerable septuagenarian, aged 71 years.