In the precincts of Morena, located in Madhya Pradesh, a woman at the age of 34, carrying the weight of pregnancy, found herself ensnared in a heinous act. Allegedly violated by a triumvirate of perpetrators, she now grapples for survival in a hospital bed, her body marred by the cruel flames that consumed 80 percent of her being. This unsettling incident transpired in the confines of Chand Ka Pura village, a mere 3 kilometers distant from the town of Ambah, unfolding its tragic narrative on a fateful Friday, as disclosed by the authorities.
The victim’s mission to seek a resolution, venturing into the village to negotiate with a woman who had leveled accusations of rape against her spouse, took a dark and reprehensible turn. Instead of reconciliation, she found herself subjected to the brutality of three men present within the accused woman’s residence. Subsequently, this trio, in conjunction with the implicated woman, doused her in accelerant and ignited a merciless conflagration, leaving her in a state of profound suffering, as recounted by an official privy to the investigation.
A visual testimony, shared with law enforcement, portrays the victim’s harrowing journey to a medical facility, where her voice echoes the horrors inflicted upon her—initially, a harrowing gang rape, followed by the atrocious act of setting her ablaze, orchestrated by both the accused woman and the male assailants. The victim’s spouse, currently on bail in connection to the earlier rape accusation, delivered this damning evidence to the authorities, enhancing the complexity of an already intricate case, as articulated by Inspector Alok Parihar of the Ambah police station.
Despite the victim having provided a formal statement to the magistrate, the police are yet to document her narrative, underscoring the ongoing nature of the investigations into this deeply distressing episode.