
In the vicinity of Salem, located in Tamil Nadu, an unfortunate incident transpired when a bus, transporting approximately 19 tourists from Tiruneermalai area near Chennai’s Pallavaram, encountered a mishap on the scenic Yercaud mountain on a Sunday. The group, having explored renowned attractions like Lady’s Seat, Jen’s Seat, Pakoda Point Lake, and Rose Park, faced adversity as their vehicle overturned during a U-turn maneuver near the mountain’s foothills.

The occurrence unfolded as the driver grappled with a loss of control, breaching the barrier wall before the bus capsized, resulting in injuries to around 10 passengers. Promptly, local residents mobilized to the scene, undertaking heroic efforts to extricate those ensnared beneath the overturned bus. The injured were expeditiously transported to Salem Government Hospital for medical attention, with the Kannankurichi Police initiating an inquiry and registering a case.

The weekend timing exacerbated the situation, drawing a considerable crowd to the site and exacerbating traffic congestion. Engaged in the task at hand, the fire department’s rescue team diligently works to clear the area and address the aftermath of the overturned bus.

This incident serves as a poignant testament underscoring the imperative of prudent driving, particularly in challenging topographies. The injured parties are presently undergoing treatment, and a comprehensive investigation is underway to discern the circumstances leading to the unfortunate accident, as communicated by an official from the Kannankurichi police station.