
Aligarh: A tragic event unfolded as a 5-year-old child faced a harrowing encounter with a group of stray canines in Uttar Pradesh’s Aligarh district. The girl had ventured out of her home for some sweets when she was set upon by the pack of dogs. The unsettling video of the incident has circulated widely online, provoking a wave of indignation from the public.

The distressing event occurred on Sunday, April 14, within the Dodhpur vicinity under the jurisdiction of the Civil Line police station. The child had stepped out to purchase toffees when she was pursued and attacked by a horde of stray dogs. The sounds of her distress prompted nearby residents to intervene, rushing out of their homes to disperse the animals.

The viral footage captures the unsettling sequence, showing the girl pedaling her bicycle before being pursued by the aggressive dogs. They swiftly converged on her, causing her to fall and endure a brutal attack. In response to the viral video, the Aligarh Municipal Corporation visited the young girl’s home to check on her recovery and apprehended approximately six stray dogs from the locale.

This incident followed closely on the heels of another tragic event, where a group of dogs fatally mauled an 11-year-old girl in Rupa Mora village, Bhanvad tehsil, within the Devbhoomi Dwarka district of Uttar Pradesh.