Raipur: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath sharply criticized the Congress during an election rally in Chhattisgarh’s Kabirdham district, equating the party with scams, terrorism, and Naxalism. He credited the end of the 500-year wait for the installation of Ram Lalla’s idol in Ayodhya to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Speaking in the Rajnandgaon Lok Sabha constituency, which includes Kabirdham district, Adityanath stated, “Congress is synonymous with scams, terrorism, and Naxalism. Instead of providing youth with tablets and good books to empower them, Congress put pistols in their hands. The party incited them to fight against the nation under the banners of Naxalism and terrorism,” asserted Adityanath.
Highlighting the changes witnessed in the country over the past decade under PM Modi’s leadership, the senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader emphasized, “Modi ji envisions making India a global power. We must build a developed, self-reliant India where every citizen, whether a daughter or a businessman, feels secure. The BJP alone can guarantee complete security and uphold your faith.”
Challenging the audience, Adityanath questioned whether the Congress could have provided free ration, constructed the Ram temple, tackled the Naxalism issue, and ensured the safety of daughters and businessmen. “Congress represents problems, while BJP offers solutions,” he added.
Adityanath urged the people to support the BJP candidate, Santosh Pandey, for the Rajnandgaon Lok Sabha seat. He also took aim at the Congress for nominating former CM Bhupesh Baghel, alleging his involvement in various scams during the previous state government.