In the domain of Bareilly, discord within the ranks of BJP operatives has surfaced, spotlighting dissatisfaction among adherents of the eight-term MP, Santosh Gangwar, who found himself snubbed for candidacy. Their discontent manifested in a protest, culminating in the encirclement of state leader Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary during the nocturnal hours of Monday.
Presently, the BJP has installed Chhatrapal Gangwar as the contender for the Bareilly constituency. Subsequently, a faction of party loyalists aligned with Santosh Gangwar has expressed vexation towards the upper echelons.
Moreover, recent dissemination of an auditory excerpt has caused a stir, wherein Mayor Dr. Umesh Gautam purportedly denigrated the Kurmi community and levied disparaging remarks against Santosh Gangwar.
In vociferous dissent against the mayor, supporters incited a commotion outside the premises of Santosh Gangwar. Upon the arrival of the BJP’s state leader in Bareilly, he was met with the ire of the demonstrators.
The BJP adherents obstructed passage and besieged Chaudhary adjacent to Gangwar’s quarters at Bharat Seva Trust. Their vociferations against the mayor included demands for his ousting, with an implicit threat of electoral abstention. Eventually, Gangwar personally intervened, extricating Chaudhary from the predicament.
However, Gautam countered, affirming his reverence for Gangwar’s seniority within the party. He vehemently refuted the allegations of issuing derogatory remarks, asserting that the electoral contest transpires under Gangwar’s aegis.
When approached for comment, Gangwar professed ignorance of the events unfolding outside his domicile, having departed for PM Modi’s rally in Pilibhit alongside the state president.