In Noida, the renowned content creator and triumphant participant of Bigg Boss OTT, Elvish Yadav, finds himself ensnared in the coils of the snake venom imbroglio once more. Reports suggest that the local authorities are poised to engage in a thorough interrogation of Yadav, propelled by the revelations within the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) dossier associated with the case. The Noida Police have reinvigorated their investigative efforts, delving deeper into the intricacies of the matter.
Insiders assert that law enforcement is gearing up to subject Elvish to a comprehensive inquiry regarding the allegations. Currently, all five individuals implicated in the snake venom distribution at clandestine gatherings have secured release on bail. Simultaneously, the FSL findings affirm that the toxic substance confiscated from the accused originates from the Cobra Krait species of snake. Nevertheless, specifics regarding the concentration of venom remain elusive.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Vidya Sagar Mishra disclosed that the FSL’s investigative report has reached their desks and is undergoing meticulous scrutiny by the investigative team. The trajectory of the inquiry will pivot exclusively on the revelations embedded within the report. Given the liberty granted to all accused parties, the Noida Police exhibit a measured approach, abstaining from hastily crafting a charge sheet in the ongoing investigation.
The saga unfolded through a People for Animals initiative on November 2, 2023, unveiling the dark underbelly of the snake venom trade in Sector-51. Subsequent police interventions resulted in the apprehension of five snake charmers hailing from Molarband, Delhi. This quintet was found in possession of an assortment of reptiles, encompassing five cobras, two bicephalous serpents, a python, and a equine-tailed snake. Additionally, a vial containing 20 ml of venom was seized.
DCP Vidya Sagar Mishra elucidated that the FSL’s investigative dossier is currently under the scrutiny of the investigative team. The subsequent course of action is contingent upon the nuances divulged within the report. In light of the released accused individuals, the Noida Police maintain a judicious stance, refraining from hastening the formulation of a charge sheet.
The genesis of this legal imbroglio transpired during an undercover operation orchestrated by the People for Animals organization within Sector-51. On November 2, 2023, the ensuing police operations led to the apprehension of five snake charmers from Molarband, Delhi. These individuals were in possession of nine snakes, including cobras, bicephalous serpents, a python, and a equine-tailed snake. Furthermore, a receptacle containing 20 ml of venom was seized.
Upon forensic examination by the Forest Department, it was ascertained that the accused had extracted venom by removing the venom glands from the recovered snakes. The count of rescued snakes has reached 11, subsequently released into the sylvan expanse of Surajpur as mandated by the court’s directive. Sector 20 Police Station in Noida spearheads the ongoing investigation into this complex case.