In an extraordinary turn of events, a young man united in matrimony with his wedded sibling. This peculiar occurrence unfolded in the district of Maharajganj, situated within Uttar Pradesh. The revelation not only startled the populace but also raised concerns within the governing bodies. The Chief Minister Mass Marriage Scheme in Uttar Pradesh endeavors to aid the financially disadvantaged strata of society. Nonetheless, numerous instances of deceit linked to this program are recurrently surfacing.
A recent episode from Maharajganj sheds light on the exploitation of the scheme whereby certain individuals, driven by avarice for monetary gain and household provisions, orchestrated the marriage of siblings. It is noteworthy that under the Chief Minister Mass Marriage Scheme, married couples receive domestic essentials along with a monetary sum of Rs 35,000. On the 5th of March, 38 couples exchanged vows under the auspices of the Chief Minister’s Mass Marriage Scheme in the Lakshmipur block of Maharajganj.
Amidst the mass matrimonial event, certain intermediaries coerced a woman, who had been married for a year, to partake in another matrimonial ceremony to avail the benefits of the scheme. However, on the scheduled day of the ceremony, the prospective groom failed to appear at the designated venue where the mass weddings were being solemnized.
In a surprising turn of events, the intermediaries urged the woman’s sibling to stand in as the groom and proceeded with the matrimonial rites between the siblings in accordance with tradition. Upon learning of the incident, the administrative authorities of Uttar Pradesh sprang into action. Meanwhile, the Area Development Officer (BDO) of Maharajganj promptly took steps to reclaim the household provisions and monetary grant bestowed upon the couple.
Upon being apprised of the situation, the BDO of Lakshmipur, Amit Mishra, dispatched Secretary Kaushalendra Kushwaha to the woman’s residence and reclaimed all the household articles distributed during the mass wedding festivities. Subsequently, following the revelation of the fraudulent matrimony, this scandalous affair began garnering attention in the media.
Addressing the matter, BDO Lakshmipur, Amit Mishra, stated that an inquiry was conducted upon receiving information regarding the incident. As per the findings of the investigation, all items allocated to the woman have been retrieved, along with the monetary sum. District Magistrate Anunay Jha affirmed that a thorough investigation would be conducted, and appropriate actions would be taken against those found culpable.