In Kushinagar (Uttar Pradesh), a 30-year-old woman fell victim to a ferocious assault by a group of vagrant canines in a hamlet situated in the Kaptanganj region of Uttar Pradesh’s Kushinagar district during the nocturnal hours of Saturday, as stated by law enforcement authorities.
The woman, purportedly grappling with mental challenges, had taken up residence along the fringes of a watercourse beyond the periphery of the settlement for the past week. Upon the villagers’ arrival in response to her distress cries, she had already succumbed to her severe injuries.
Subsequent to the retrieval of the cadaver, law enforcement has dispatched it for post-mortem examination, while an inquiry has been set in motion. Details regarding the woman’s identity or her origins remain undisclosed at present, according to police sources.
This occurrence underscores the escalating threat posed by feral canines in the confines of Mundera village within the Kaptanganj locality.
Per accounts furnished by the villagers, the deceased had been observed dwelling along the banks of the watercourse beyond the village confines over the preceding seven to eight days. She would beseech sustenance from passersby and meander through the vicinity, as recounted by locals.
“On the night of Saturday, whilst she was stationed in close proximity to the watercourse, a pack of canines pounced upon her. Despite the villagers’ intervention upon hearing her outcry, her demise could not be averted,” expressed a resident.
Alerted to the incident, law enforcement personnel, including Mathauli outpost in-charge Vikram Ajit Rai, arrived at the scene come Sunday morning. Rai, the outpost in-charge, remarked upon the presence of grievous lacerations adorning her physique, yet her identity remains shrouded in anonymity.
In response, the villagers have petitioned the authorities to undertake requisite measures to curb the proliferation of feral canines within the vicinity.