In the heart of Ayodhya, a historic event unfolds as Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath leads his entire cabinet in a rendezvous with history. Before the grandeur of Deepotsav graces Ayodhya, the cabinet convenes to mark a momentous occasion – a meeting that transcends politics, delving into the realm of spirituality and cultural resurgence.
For the first time in Ayodhya’s history, the state cabinet assembles against the backdrop of Ram Janmabhoomi, setting the tone for a cultural renaissance. From the central government under Modi to the Yogi-led government in Uttar Pradesh, Ayodhya emerges as the focal point for creating a world-class city.
Why the choice of 9th November? The date echoes with historical significance, as on this day in 1989, the
foundation stone for the Ram Mandir was laid. Fast forward to 2019, after the Supreme Court’s verdict, paving the way for the construction of the Ram Mandir, making 9th November a date etched in history. In 2023, CM Yogi Adityanath continues the legacy, choosing this date for an iconic event at 11 AM in Ram Katha Park, Ayodhya.
Shifting from Prayagraj to Ayodhya for this cabinet meeting, CM Yogi leads his ministers to Hanumangarhi for blessings. The journey continues with the ceremonial worship at Ram Janmabhoomi and a visit to the revered Ram Lalla Mandir. The preparations for the festival of lights, Deepotsav, also take the spotlight during the cabinet’s inspection.
This echoes a pattern set during the 2019 Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, where a cabinet meeting approved the Ganga Expressway project. Similarly, the Ayodhya cabinet meeting may bring gifts for Ramnagri and its surroundings. Proposals from various departments, including six from tourism-related sectors, await the cabinet’s seal of approval.
Ayodhya, the sacred city of Lord Rama, witnesses the golden pages of history being written on 9th November. As Kaliyuga’s deity, Lord Hanuman, graces the city, Ayodhya stands on the cusp of a historic transformation.