A legal officer from Uttar Pradesh purportedly encountered an assault and robbery ordeal aboard a Shatabdi Express en route to New Delhi, as per authorities on Monday. The occurrence unfolded on March 28 approximately at 10 o’clock in the evening when the Lucknow Jn. Swarn Shatabdi Express was in close proximity to the Shivaji Bridge Railway Station in New Delhi, as documented in the FIR.
“I was situated within my compartment, C-4, occupying seat number 2 when an individual gained entry and attempted to forcibly seize my handbag,” remarked Swati Mourya in her formal grievance to the authorities. “Upon my resistance, he resorted to physical aggression, resulting in an injury to my left hand. Subsequently, he absconded with my bag, leaping off the moving train. I am capable of recognizing the perpetrator,” she appended.
In accordance with the FIR, Mourya suffered a loss of Rs 15,000, alongside various identification documents such as PAN card, Aadhar card, driver’s license, and a prosecution identity card issued by the Uttar Pradesh government, in addition to two ATM cards, a cellular device, four diamond rings, two gold bangles, and two wristwatches in the course of the incident. Law enforcement authorities disclosed that the Government Railway Police in New Delhi were apprised of the complaint at 11:20 in the evening.
“We have officially recorded an FIR under sections 356 (involving assault or criminal force in an endeavor to pilfer property carried by an individual) and 380 (pertaining to theft in a residential establishment, etc.) of the IPC. The perpetrator shall be apprehended imminently,” conveyed a senior police official.