In the town of Vikasnagar, located in Uttarakhand, the local authorities have initiated legal proceedings against an individual accused of employing instantaneous triple talaq to terminate his marital union in Dehradun. The aggrieved wife has formally lodged a complaint at the Sahaspur police station, highlighting various transgressions committed by her spouse.
The complainant alleges not only the abrupt divorce but also instances of verbal and physical abuse, leading to her forced eviction from their shared residence. She further contends that her in-laws persistently subjected her to harassment, relentlessly pressuring her for additional dowry contributions from her parents. The police, in response to her complaint, have instituted legal actions, citing charges of dowry harassment against the husband’s family alongside the triple talaq case against the husband.
Providing a detailed account, the woman asserts that her matrimonial alliance was with one Farman Ali, a resident of the Teacher Colony within the jurisdiction of the Sahaspur police station. Following their nuptials, she bemoans the initiation of harassment by her in-laws, who accused her of inadequacies in dowry provisions, coupled with frequent incidents of physical assault and verbal berating.
Adding to the grievance, the complainant contends that her husband, Farman Ali, ousted her from their dwelling through the expedited pronouncement of triple talaq. Subsequently, she has sought refuge in her parental abode since leaving her in-laws’ residence.
Senior sub-inspector Bhuvan Chandra Pujari from the Sahaspur police station elucidated that legal proceedings include the registration of a triple talaq case against Farman Ali and a dowry harassment case against his familial relations. Pujari underscores that a comprehensive investigation into the matter is underway, with subsequent actions to be taken in adherence to the applicable legal provisions.