In Lucknow, eggs stand as exemplary reservoirs of protein, esteemed for their health benefits. Nonetheless, an excessive indulgence in eggs may pose hazards.
As per medical experts, individuals thus inclined might easily succumb to grave maladies, necessitating prudent measures to mitigate health risks.
Dr. Anand Kumar Srivastava, a seasoned practitioner at Civil Hospital, Lucknow, elucidated that eggs boast a plethora of nutrients including Vitamin B, Vitamin B12, Biotin, Riboflavin, Thiamin, and Selenium. These vital vitamins play pivotal roles in maintaining robust skin, hair, and nails.
“For individuals above the age of 40, a daily intake of one egg suffices to meet their protein requisites. Health-conscious individuals often eschew the yolk, favoring the fat-free, low-calorie egg white for its muscle-building properties, sans any weight gain. There exists a common fallacy that brown eggs offer superior nutritional content; however, both brown and white eggs harbor an equal reservoir of indispensable nutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, riboflavin, selenium, and choline,” remarked Dr. Srivastava.
What’s the optimal egg consumption per day?
Dr. Srivastava advocates for a daily egg intake as a salubrious practice, effectively fulfilling the body’s vitamin and protein mandates. However, he cautions against exceeding a consumption of two eggs per day, especially during the sweltering summer months.
Which part of the egg holds the most benefits?
Many individuals favor the egg white for its protein content, shunning the yolk, which is laden with cholesterol and deemed unfavorable for health.
Summer-related egg consumption adversities
“In instances where individuals experience acne, rashes, or gastrointestinal discomfort post egg consumption during summer, seeking specialist consultation is imperative,” advised Dr. Srivastava.
The repercussions of consuming four eggs daily:
Overindulgence in eggs during summer could precipitate adverse health effects. Individuals partaking in four eggs daily are at heightened risk of cardiovascular ailments and may experience fluctuations in insulin levels. Moreover, excessive egg consumption elevates progesterone levels, potentially resulting in dermal eruptions and blemishes, alongside a surge in cholesterol levels, added Dr. Srivastava.