In the urban expanse of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, a collective exhalation of relief is anticipated among the city’s senior populace. This optimism stems from the impending inauguration, scheduled for the culmination of February, of the inaugural senior citizen care facility in the state—a groundbreaking venture that pledges to redefine elderly care, exempt from any financial encumbrances.
A linear promenade commencing from Swaroop Nagar towards the primary threshold of the Kanpur Development Authority office unravels the entryway to ‘Tulsi Upvan’ on the right flank. A brisk perambulation spanning 100 meters from this juncture unveils the nascent ‘Senior Citizen Centre,’ an edifice materializing at an astounding expenditure of Rs 80 lakh.
The Municipal Corporation is appropriating the unoccupied expanse within Tulsi Upvan, adjacent to the serene Moti Jheel, for the establishment of this holistic wellness bastion.
Municipal Commissioner Shivasharanappa GN, in recent days, conducted a meticulous survey of the facility, assuring denizens of its imminent inauguration. A myriad of versatile amenities, comprising a repository of literature, a refreshment lounge, a fitness center, a medical dispensary, yoga instruction chambers, lavatories for both genders, storage annex, culinary quarters, and a multifunctional auditorium, will augment the sojourn for the inhabitants.
In an endeavor to sustain an aesthetically pleasing milieu, the primary ingress will be enveloped by verdant saplings and flora, cultivating an ambiance reminiscent of a ‘home away from home’ for the elderly patrons. Additionally, the residents will have the option to engage in indoor diversions such as ludo, chess, and carrom, thus contributing to their leisurely amusement, as articulated by the commissioner.