In the realm of Lucknow, the Samajwadi Party enacted a second alteration in Meerut’s candidacy, opting for former mayor Sunita Verma Pradhan over Atul Pradhan. The final date for nomination submission in Meerut coincided with April 4, aligning with the second phase of the state’s Lok Sabha election.
Pradhan, who tendered his nomination on the preceding day, expressed his acquiescence to the decision of party leader Akhilesh Yadav, whom he convened with in the morning hours. In a proclamation on X, Pradhan, hailing from the Sardhana constituency as an SP MLA, remarked, “I am in accord with the resolution taken by the esteemed National President Akhilesh Yadav. An assembly with my supporters shall shortly transpire to deliberate further.”
Advocate Bhanu Pratap Singh found himself supplanted by Atul Pradhan. Rampur and Moradabad faced their share of perplexity as two contenders filed nominations both purporting to represent the SP. In Rampur, Asim Raza and Mohibulla Nadvi submitted their candidacies, with Raza’s bid ultimately rejected.
Meanwhile, in Moradabad, the incumbent MP ST Hasan, having previously submitted his nomination, saw himself succeeded by Ruchi Veera. In Budaun, party affiliates petitioned the party’s chief for the endorsement of Aditya Yadav over his father Shivpal Yadav, the designated candidate for the seat. Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) President Jayant Chaudhury took a veiled swipe at his erstwhile partner.
“Fortune seems to favor but briefly those in the opposition who secure a Lok Sabha ticket! The luck lies with those who, following initial denial, secure tickets (later allocated to another nominee),” he opined. The ballot is set for April 26 in Meerut, coinciding with the second phase of Lok Sabha elections. The deadline for nominations submission in this phase transpired on April 4.