In a somber turn of events in Lucknow, a 14-year-old girl named Pooja fell victim to an appalling attack allegedly perpetrated by her own father, Sanjay, while she was engaged in a phone conversation. According to the authorities, the grim episode transpired in the Gudamba region of Lucknow.
Following the heinous act, the accused father made an attempt to flee the scene but was subsequently apprehended by the police. Sanjay, who worked as a mason and resided in Gudamba, disapproved of his daughter’s prolonged phone conversations and harbored suspicions about her romantic interests. His previous admonitions to curtail her phone use had evidently gone unheeded.
The fatal encounter unfolded when Sanjay discovered his daughter on the phone late one evening. Consumed by rage, he wielded an axe and struck her, inflicting fatal injuries. Pooja succumbed to her wounds immediately, and Sanjay fled the premises, leaving his daughter lifeless on the ground.
Upon receiving news of the incident, a team from the Gudamba police force quickly arrived at the scene and initiated a manhunt for the suspect. Eventually, Sanjay was captured in a nearby forest.
Inspector Neeti Srivastava of the Gudamba Police stated that Pooja’s mother was absent, having visited her parents’ home at the time of the tragedy. Pooja, who had three sisters and one brother, was sent for post-mortem examination.
“Investigative measures are ongoing, and the accused is currently being interrogated,” Inspector Srivastava remarked.