Former Prime Minister HD Deve Gowda has been admitted to a private hospital in Bengaluru due to high fever. Despite initial reports, he clarified on social media that he is undergoing routine health checks and urged the public not to worry. The 90-year-old leader, also the national president of the Janata Dal (Secular), has been dealing with knee problems and age-related ailments for an extended period.
Though the specific reason for his hospitalization is not disclosed, family sources mentioned he had been experiencing fever and a sore throat in recent days. Initially treated with cough suppressants at home, he is now receiving antibiotics in the hospital. His doctor advised him to stay in the hospital for further monitoring. Sources from the hospital indicate that Gowda is recovering, and there is no need for panic.
This isn’t the first time he has been hospitalized; last year, he was admitted for routine health checkups. In January, he announced that he would not participate in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections due to his age. Recently, he mentioned that the JD(S) and its ally BJP would jointly contest all 28 Lok Sabha seats in Karnataka.