In Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh, Union Minister and Amethi MP Smriti Irani made allegations on Monday, accusing Congress leader Rahul Gandhi of seeking support from the banned organization, Popular Front of India, to run for the Lok Sabha election from Kerala’s Wayanad constituency.
Irani, who is seeking reelection from the seat, criticized Gandhi’s tenure as the Amethi MP, claiming that the constituents endured 15 years with an ineffective representative. She highlighted information suggesting that Rahul Gandhi sought support from the controversial outfit, PFI, for his Wayanad campaign, citing alleged intentions to target Hindus as per a PFI charge sheet.
Questioning Gandhi’s allegiance to Amethi, Irani urged him to clarify his association with such organizations. She remarked on her recent visit to Wayanad, noting Gandhi’s familial connection to the region and commenting on the perceived fickleness of political loyalties.
Irani continued her critique of Gandhi’s performance, challenging his dedication to Amethi, especially during his tenure under previous governments led by Sonia Gandhi and the SP. She questioned the efficacy of Gandhi’s leadership in the face of Modi and Yogi administrations, emphasizing the BJP’s efforts in the region.
The BJP leader also raised concerns over the Gandhi family’s opposition to government initiatives benefiting Amethi residents, such as ration distribution and agricultural support. She highlighted Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s contributions to the constituency and criticized the Gandhi family’s stance.
Addressing internal conflicts within the Congress party regarding leadership and candidate selection, Irani expressed confidence in defeating Rahul Gandhi in Amethi again. She asserted the constituency’s determination to safeguard its interests and rejected the idea of Gandhi’s return.
Regarding speculation about Robert Vadra’s potential candidacy in Amethi, Irani commented on the internal divisions within the Congress party, suggesting ongoing discord.
Lastly, Irani criticized opposition leaders for paying tribute to Mukhtar Ansari, linking it to what she perceives as alliances with dubious elements like the PFI.
The Union Ministry of Home Affairs’ designation of the Popular Front of India as an “unlawful association” under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act was mentioned in the context of the allegations against Gandhi.
Polling in Amethi is scheduled for the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha election on May 20th.