
In the rural environs of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, tragedy unfolded as a conflagration claimed the lives of two siblings while leaving their mother and brother with severe burn wounds. The inferno ignited within the confines of their dwelling in Bhutha village, situated under the jurisdiction of Mangalpur police station, Kanpur rural district, as relayed by local law enforcement on Monday.

Prompted by observant neighbors who spotted the incendiary blaze, the fire brigade was promptly notified, and their collaborative efforts aided in quelling the flames alongside firefighting personnel. Subsequently, all four afflicted individuals were expeditiously conveyed to the community health center before being referred to Ursala Hospital in Kanpur for further medical attention. Regrettably, despite the medical intervention, the tender lives of three-year-old Gauri and one-year-old Aditi were unable to be salvaged, succumbing to their injuries during the course of treatment. Presently, their mother and six-year-old sibling, Gaurav, remain under medical care, battling the repercussions of the fiery ordeal.

Eyewitnesses recount the far-reaching impact of the conflagration, which extended to neighboring residences, resulting in significant material losses. Upon receiving notification, a contingent from Mangalpur police station promptly mobilized to the scene, instigating an exhaustive inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the incident. The mortal remains of the deceased have been entrusted to undergo post-mortem analysis in pursuit of elucidating the exact cause of demise.

In the interim, kin of the bereaved family have leveled allegations against the local dignitary, as well as their cohorts, attributing culpability for instigating the inferno. Advocating for accountability, they vehemently demand punitive measures against the implicated parties.

A spokesperson representing Mangalpur police station divulged that despite concerted efforts, the origins of the conflagration remain shrouded in ambiguity, prompting a meticulous investigation into the matter. A formal case has been documented in connection with the unfortunate event, and requisite measures will be undertaken in accordance with due process, affirmed the official spokesperson.

Displaying empathy and solidarity, Additional District Magistrate Keshav Nath Gupta extended his presence to the district hospital, where he sought to obtain firsthand insights into the condition of the injured. Engaging with the afflicted family members, he proffered assurances of unwavering support and pledged to facilitate requisite measures to mitigate their distress.