In the rural expanse of Gumla, Jharkhand, a grim tableau unfolded as the serenity of Sakrauli village was shattered by a macabre incident. The annals of Friday bear witness to the brutal demise of three individuals from a familial lineage, meted out by the sharp edge of an axe, while another family member now grapples with grave injuries, allegedly stemming from a contentious dispute over the distribution of logs from a fallen tree. This harrowing episode transpired around 3 pm within the jurisdiction of the Sisai police station, plunging the community into a state of unease.
Suresh Prasad Sahu, the Sub-Divisional Police Officer, delineated the gruesome turn of events, elucidating that a simmering family conflict escalated into a violent crescendo. A malefactor, wielding sharp implements, assailed four kin. The consequence was dire – three lives extinguished in an instant, and one grievously wounded. The injured party, Munna Sahu’s son Vikas Sahu, now grapples with the severity of the assault, having been promptly conveyed to the Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) in Ranchi.
The genesis of this tragedy lies in a protracted feud over land and arboreal resources, a longstanding familial discord reaching its zenith on this fateful day. Munna Sahu, Nageshwar Sahu, and Pawan Sahu found themselves at the receiving end of the savagery perpetrated by Nankeswar Sahu, Satendra Sahu, and Shiv Kumar Sahu. The blood-soaked aftermath of the conflict left the village in a palpable state of tension, prompting the swift intervention of the Sisai police station.
In the wake of the incident, law enforcement hurriedly descended upon the scene, where lifeless bodies bore the indelible marks of the heinous act. Post-mortem procedures were set in motion, further accentuating the grim reality that had befallen Sakrauli village. The specter of unease now looms large, casting a pall over the entire community, with law enforcement maintaining a vigilant presence to quell potential unrest